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A Azeredo Engenharia é uma empresa especializada em Reabilitação de Edificações Históricas e tem como principal vocação gerar valores por_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_means of innovation.


Structural design and solutions in

rehabilitation and structural reinforcements


Projeto Estrutural
Structural Design

A good quality structural design needs to be designed according to the fundamental principles of structural engineering: safety, economy, functionality and durability . This means that, um project only with a good presentation does not meet the necessary requirements to achieve its purpose. This aspect should be considered in contracting structural design services in order to avoid problems in the future . With the objective of excellence, Azeredo Engenharia also works in the area of project elaboration and provides services of evaluation and verification of structural projects.

Reforço Estrutural
Recovery e Reinforcement
of the Structures

Azeredo Engenharia seeks to improve its technical staff through courses held in Brazil and abroad  with the purpose of getting to know the most used innovative techniques and materials , for constructions and interventions in existing structures (such as rehabilitation, recovery and reinforcement of structures), aimed at reducing customer costs , minimizing the interventions carried out and increasing the durability of the recovered structure.

Reablitação Estrutural
Rehabilitation of Buildings Historical

Rehabilitation interventions in historic buildings differ in many ways from interventions in ordinary buildings. Therefore, the criteria to be adopted in the projeto e in the execution of the services are also different . This means that  in addition to considering the structural performance of the building, the conservation of the architectural characteristics of the building (among others) also needs to be considered in the design. Azeredo Engenharia is specialized in the rehabilitation of historic buildings , through knowledge acquired in courses  carried out in Europe.

Verificação de Projetos
Project Verification

In order for the customer to be sure about the quality of the product he is buying, the structural design needs to be analyzed by a structural engineer who is technical evaluator . The verification or technical evaluation of structural designs (ATP) is a common activity in  countries such as Italy, England and Germany . In Brazil, this practice has been increasingly used. The most recent version of the standard of procedures for designing concrete structures, ABNT NBR 6118:2014, includes in its text the requirements for evaluating structural projects  as quality and compliance requirements of the project.

Consultoria Estrutural
Technical consultancy

Azeredo Engenharia provides technical consulting services, always thinking about the best solution to be adopted for each specific case of structural intervention. The client needs to know the real state of his building , in terms of resistance capacity, structural performance and residual useful life of the structure (which is the time that the building can remain without receiving rehabilitation interventions) . Once the structural safety assessment has been carried out, it is of fundamental importance that the most appropriate materials and techniques for the recovery and reinforcement of buildings are chosen, whether conventional or innovative techniques.

Avaliação Esrutural
Security Assessment Estrutural

Before any type of intervention in buildings that need to be recovered and reinforced, even before making a design decision on which technique will be used or which type of reinforcement will be applied, it is essential that it is previously made the assessment of the structural safety of the building. This practice is adopted in countries that have a tradition of structural rehabilitation interventions , such as Italy. The structural safety assessment must be carried out by qualified and qualified professionals for this service.



Technical manager


Dr. Engineer Jeferson Azeredo da Rosa

Structural Engineer | Ph.D.



He holds a PhD PhD in Structures (with emphasis on Structural Rehabilitation) from Università di Roma 3 and MSc Masters in Structures (with emphasis on Interventions in Existing Structures and Structural Rehabilitation) also from Università di Roma 3, Italy. He studied Civil Engineering at Urcamp (RS), Specialization in Master Plans at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul, Specialization in Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings at the Faculty of Engineering of São Paulo and Specialization in Metal Structure Projects at Universidade Paulista/INBEC .

He began his professional career as a Civil Engineer at the Municipality of Santana do Livramento (RS) and also as a founding partner of Azeredo, Couto and Pereira Engenharia. He has extensive experience in structural design, where he worked for several years in renowned structural design companies in São Paulo (Brazil) and Rome (Italy). He worked on the assessment of buildings shaken by the 2009 and 2016 earthquakes in Italy. He has articles published in Brazil and abroad.


Azeredo Engenharia is a company that provides services in the area of projects of concrete structures, metallic structures, prestressed structures, precast structures, structural masonry, project verification, structural evaluation and technical consulting, recovery and structural reinforcement. Our main activity is in the area of interventions in existing structures, in structural rehabilitation projects of historic buildings with innovative techniques and materials.






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 - Bela Vista

Avenida Paulista 1636, cj. 706 

São Paulo SP - CEP 01310-200  

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